Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dinner With the Family

I’m unexpectedly bound for Texas this week due to some unfortunate circumstances, but I’m looking forward to spending time with the lady’s family (end even more time with a plate of breakfast tacos).

Should we lose our way, though, I’m glad to know we need not starve out on the backroads; we’ll just do dinner Sawyer Family style, at the farm house from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I learned about the house’s second life as a restaurant while in college (you’d be surprised what kind of term paper topics you can get away with when your instructors are more concerned with their smoke breaks than their syllabus), but it wasn’t until recently that a visit actually seemed plausible. Now I just need to sell my traveling companions, who watch horror movies about as often as I read Cosmo, on the plan.

I’ve got an idea, though…

Be back in a week.